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Solemn statement on supporting the new advertising law

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Solemn statement on supporting the new advertising law


   On September 1, 2019, the new advertising law stipulates that all pages shall be free of absolute and functional words. We support the new advertising law, and the obvious areas of our website are under investigation and modification.

   Hereby solemnly declare that: the absolute and functional words on all pages of the company are invalid and will not be used as any reason for compensation. We will gradually check and improve the modification of the inconspicuous areas, and will comprehensively modify the page.

   The company does not accept and will not compromise any form of network fraud in the name of anti-counterfeiting, please make way for real consumers! The protection of rights is two-way. I hope you can understand it.

   If the company appears the highest advertising words, limit words, etc., it means the comparison within the scope of our company, and the indirect performance comparison of goods, only in the companys current sales and previous sales of goods, not involving other operators, such as "most suitable" means that the company is the most suitable, if you have any questions, please contact our customer service!